Haven't had much time to post. I guess I've been sewing lots to take that time up. But come to think of it, I've been doing all of my sewing at work. I've been getting there early to sew on my purses & am sure to bring my lunch so I can eat quicker & have time to sew while still on my break. All of this to get ready for the giant craft show a little over a month from now. Anyway, I guess that doesn't explain my lack of posting. Perhaps I've not much to share. So in true Cate fashion I'll give you a list. Stream of conciousness of what's been on my mind:
Super excited Sharon's parents are soon to be here permanently.
Thankful that Emma's had her trach out for over a week & is doing great.
My workroom is a total disaster & I've been trying to make a dent in the mess.
Been sewing alot not knowing if it will sell.
Dana & Jeremey find out this week if it's a boy or girl. I'm betting boy.
Kaisara's cute, huh?
Nina the Ninja Kittie is feeling much better after a nasty kidney infection.
I'm glad summer Bible study is over & can't wait for Marci's study to start.
I miss Dani.
I wanna go dancin'. Haven't been in months, literally.
We (and by "we" I mean Kaisara) are going to install a ceiling fan in my workroom.
I gotta get started on Daryl's drapes. The elusive traverse rod is finally in possesion.
Sent Melanie off to South Africa for a year via Oregon for 4 months. Sad face/happy face.
Feel blessed that Daddy's feeling better but am still scared of the unknown. That's great for the prayer life though.
Start a HUGE show at work on Monday.
I should eat breakfast now.