Well, here it is. I want to jab my eyes out. There you go. Read it & weep. Out they come.
Since my gig at UCI ended early I called my office work gal, Vera. She was thrilled. She sent me to an on-site office that no one has been there filing for a year. Scary. The property manager was told that I knew the ropes & would take care of everything. Scary. I get there & there's 8 file drawers & 3 cubicles filed with garbage-ito. Scary. One problem (of several) is that this lady's managing at least 5 buildings that all have several names. "Which name do want printed on your file labels?", I ask. Insert her blank stare here... She gave me a 1"x 1 1/2" post-it note with four little things written on it. Insert my blank stare here... An hour later, I ask if I can have a pen. She gives me a (meaning one, singular) writing implement. Another hour later (& I'm really getting reved up by now) I hold up my little piece of post-it note & ask if I can have something larger to write on as I'm trying to get a grasp of this 5 buildings each with 4 different names thing. I kid you not. She gets up & hands me a, (meaning one, singular) piece of paper. Sure glad she didn't throw her back out. ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? Who is this lady?!?!?! Finally at about 3pm I ask "Where's the restroom?" Come on!! I shiver at the thought of her having house guests. She probably doesn't even feed them. Is she for real? I didn't have a computer, printer nothin'. Okay lady, I'll get right on this. Insert me giving a big ol', righteous, raspberry here.
It's not that it's office work & not sewing. I like to organize. I'm good at it. I get things done. Burn some rubber, ya' know? You want your crap organized? BAM! There you go. It's just this office itself. No one talks to one another. I am utterly convinced that most of the people there don't even no the names of most of the other people there. And this lady! I think I've gotten a dozen words out of her. And each one she makes me feel guilty for. And they're all work related! I'm really holding myself back in there! You know me! I'm a talkter! Oi! But I digress, I'll continue..
She was only there for 2 days then off to vacation for a week in Maui (poor baby). Sweet. Now I can really do my thing. During that time I got the 8 file drawers dealt with (all sorted, color coded & labeled beautifully). As well as made a huge dent in the cubicles. I'm talking papers dating back to 1989 people! She comes back today. Guess her response...wait for it...here it comes...a big fat NADA! Now, I know I need more positive affirmation than the next guy but I wasn't expecting that, let alone looking for it from this girl. But come on! Not a, "Wow! This looks great!",or a "It's really coming along.", or "Thanks for all of this.", or even a "Kiss my a**!" She didn't even say good morning. I finally did and asked her how her trip was. She says, and I quote, "Awesome. It sucks to be back." I just smiled & said, "Well that's a great way to look at it!" and continued my task. I can't wait to go back tomorrow!