Sunday, October 23, 2005

16 times 2

So I'm a bad wife. I'm totally late in posting this but..."Happy Birthday Kaisara!" Friday was his birthday & he's now 32. Last year he went all day thinking he was 32 'til I corrected him at dinner. He said that was his best present ever. He got a year younger in seconds. But this time it's for real. He's actually 32. Well this year I couldn't make him a year younger but upon his request, I ordered him personalized license plates for his newly painted firebird (look back soon for photos). He wanted "79FBIRD". Well, they were available & now they're not 'cause he's got 'em!

To prove he's the best husband ever I'll let you know that we agreed to going to my show's opening to see my red dress & vest that I totally freaked myself out over.

Happy Birthday Boy! Thanks for spending part of your day on me. I owe ya'!


melissa said...

Happy Belated Birthday Kaisara! You rock dude.

Coco said...

HAPPY B DAY KAISARA!!! This is such a great pic of you two! Cate's smile is radiant and Kaisara looks so humurous :) And, you two are such a wonderful example of love to us unmarrieds! yay Kaisara, yay Cate!

Coco said...

HAPPY B DAY KAISARA!!! This is such a great pic of you two! Cate's smile is radiant and Kaisara looks so humurous :) And, you two are such a wonderful example of love to us unmarrieds! yay Kaisara, yay Cate!

Coco said...

I'm so happy I had to post the same thing twice!