Monday, February 09, 2009

Always Hard to Ask

I need prayer. My body needs prayer. Not sure if I'm being attacked or if years of being a chubster is catching up on me. I just keep getting sick, injured or some other bizarre thing (I'll tell you about my astro-turf feet later). Seems like it's one thing after another in the last month and a half & each one isn't gone before the next one hits. They're starting to stack up. It's wearing & frankly, it's a little scary. I'd appreciate your prayers guys.



Flame Lilly said...

I'm sorry to hear that Cate! Will keep you & your health in my prayers, and will pass it along to my mom too, AKA: Major Prayer Warrior!!!
Hope to see you soon for Sew What!!
Love S:)

Melanie said...

Definitely Lady.

Katie said...

Love you and your astro turf feet! I'll be praying for you