Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Burning Rubber Now

I've been looking into getting an indoor trainer for a while now. Last week, Sione sealed the deal for me. He said he never had time to work out after working 10 hours a day but now realized he had time for 3 hours of television every night. I thought to myself, " Man! I've been sitting here for 2 hours watching this show."

After work on Monday, we picked up this new trainer (wish we didn't get the magnetic one. it's pretty noisy). Kaisara fixed my flat & set up the trainer for me. Ta-da! I peddled my little heart out for 1 1/2 hours of my 2 hour show (I had to take a 30 minute break after the first hour. my butt was killing me!). Now I need to get a cyclometer that connects to the rear tire so I know for sure how many miles I peddled (because really that's how I'm motivated). For now I'll just have to estimate.

See you on the road! (or in my living room) :-)


melissa said...

Nice. I had a friend who lost 50 lbs by giving away his couch, and riding an exercise bike every night while he watched tv.

Personally, I like going to my step class. I like being around people.

Unknown said...

Maybe I'll ride to your house and check it out!!! ;-)

Learned a lot about long distance rides...I'm interested to try some new tactics next time.