Saturday, July 08, 2006


I came to the realization today that I'm not going to be able to follow my couch to 5k running plan with any regularity. Man! I get home from work well after 11pm so getting up early to run before it gets hot isn't really possible. (please, like it'd be possible anyway!) It's way to hot to run in the middle of the day (tried it, almost fell over, literally). And starting in August, I'm back at SCR (yeah!) during the day only to race over to Pageant each night for the show.

I'm still going to do the Race for the Cure. I just won't be able to run the thing as previously planned. I'll just have to get a run in when I can & not expect myself to improve much. Man! I was actually looking forward to it! (the improving, not the running).

1 comment:

Cat said...

WHAT and I just tried the darn thing last night- thought I was going to die- oh man! You know, life often gets in the way- I'll be walking right by your friend