Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Sewer McSewerson

I've decided to start a collection of photos of things I've sewn. (is it sewn or sewed?) The beginnings of this collection can be seen by clicking on the "photo albums" link in the left column.

If I've sewn/sewed something for you & it's not pictured (I know there's a ton out there) please email a photo to add to my collection.



Cat said...

Umm.... "sew"er or sewer as in plumbing?

Hee- hee

Cate said...

Cat, as far as I can remember, you owe me at least 4 pictures. :-) Don't joke a joker! :-)

Cat said...

Ummm 4? Which 4? 2 quilts and 2 pants?

No prob!