Thursday, January 31, 2008

Gettin' There

So I'm better. I'm not well, but I'm better. I went back to work on Monday (went in late & left early). Tuesday was a little better still (went in late but finished the day out). Yesterday & today I've been there full days. Watch out! Here I come! Of course I'm wheezing the whole way but, here I come.

Treated myself to a new sweet pair of kicks. I love them. I'll love them even more when there fully broken in. They make me smile.

Almost finished cutting out the dress for the fashion show. It's supposed to be completed by the 9th. Not gonna happen with the contraction of the plague & all. It'll be done by dress rehersal though. Though there's been some changes to the overall presentation that I'm not pleased with, our dress is still gonna be the best one there.

Last night out of no where Zelda got bumps all over her face. They were gone by this morning. Not sure what that's about. I'm about to call my vet. Part of what she'll tell me is that I've got a freaky dog. Point taken.

Gotta go figure out what's to eat.

Miss me.


melissa said...

Cool shoes. Very nice!

Keep on the road to wellness.

Melanie said...

I am glad you are feeling better!

Cat said...

Miss you. Cool shoes. Glad you're better- it's our turn now- sickie sick sick. Bah

Daryl Smith said...

I think bumpy-head Zelda had a certain charm to her. Glad she's ok, though.