Monday, January 14, 2008

Here's the Haps'

Since I'm sure you're all waiting with baited breath, I figured it was time for a true update.

Bicycle: I've settled on a goal of 700 miles for 2008. I'm a little scared I won't make it.'s something to shoot for. If I don't make it, no body's gonna yank my toenails out one-by-one. If I do make it, I'm gonna be super pleased with myself (& hopefully have a smaller pants size). The first week of the year sucked eggs but I tried to make up a few miles this last weekend by riding from Huntington Beach pier, down to Newport Beach pier & back again. Almost 12.75 miles. Kaisara went too. He peddled a little faster than our last trip (it's a good thing since I don't even know how he stayed upright last time since he was going so slow. I swear he defied the laws of physics or something.)

Work: It's going pretty well. I've had my mock-up fittings & the only thing that was totally wrong was the sleeve on one of the dresses. Couldn't even get the poor girl's arm in it. Oh well, it's fixed now. Oh yeah, I'm working on The Importance of Being Ernest. Never seen it but everyone tells me I'm gonna love it. I'm really looking forward to it. I'm fired after the 2nd week of February. I don't have anything else lined up yet. There's the office work that's always there. I'm hoping something else turns up.

That's all for now I guess. Oh wait! After almost exactly 1 year our church has a pastor. I'm super excited. I still miss our previous one but this new guy's my favorite of all the guest speakers we've had in the past year & he was with us numerous times. He doesn't just give topical sermons, he really gets into the Word. Yeah! I tend not to be a fan of the topical sermon. I've got a conconrdance. I can look up all the verses pertaining to this, that, or the other. I always try to get something of one but I'd rather just learn the Word of God & what it says. I think that's what Doug's gonna do. Again, yeah!

Ok. Now I think that's all.


Flame Lilly said...

Thanks for the update! thats a great goal!! I'm sure you will reach it! Also, you have GOT to see the Importance of being Ernest! (The one w/ Colin Firth!!)
It's a wonderful story!!! (If I think of it, I'll bring it Saturday!)

Flame Lilly said...

This is an odd request! My blog has been having issues, and won't display the newest entries (since 1/5/08) when accessed through friends blogs. If you have a chance, do you mind re-entering my blog on your friend list and maybe that will work? Hopefully!!!
Thank you and have a GREAT week!

Kat said...

Awesome on your bike riding. Pedal your heart out sista'.
As for work, one door closes and another one opens.
As for your pastor, I am happy to hear that you connect to him. That's great!!!!!

Oh and I LOVE MY PURSE!!!!!!!!!!