Sunday, March 26, 2006

I Quit

I've decided to quit my "ultra-lame lack of actual patterning class". I've been struggling about it for a while now. Okay, really since about the first half hour of the first class meeting. I'm just not learning. I've been trying to stick it out & not quit. Maybe she'll actually start teaching next time, or next time, or next time. I hate being a quitter. I hate teachers that don't teach even more.

I also didn't want to just throw away the $108 I paid for the class. Mom & Kaisara hit home today though. If I've already thrown away 108 big-ones why throw away my time on top of that? "Cut your losses."

DARN IT! Wasn't supposed to be like this. I was supposed to come out of that stupid class a patterning genius!


Cat said...

You're not a quitter if your teacher is dumb! That's how I got through college- wait maybe that is a bad example! No, really she was wasting you time and you and the other students deserve better. You should let the dean of her school know- She isn't up to snuff, she really isn't.

Do't worry there is a better class out there and you are a genius in my eyes!

Coco said...

Cut your losses was great advice. I'm glad you have good people to discuss these kinds of decisions with because you are hard on yourself, harder on yourself than others. Enjoy your reclaimed valuable time!