Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Popcorn & Snowflakes

As I was stuffing my face with microwave popcorn today, I realized something. Popped corn kernels are like snowflakes. Each one is unique. Cool. They're are very different. Good thing I'm an equal opportunity popcorn eater.

Does anyone else do this or is it just me? When starting to eat popcorn, I take one or two kernels. Then it's a few. Next is a small handful. Soon I find myself cramming as much as I can into my oral cavity. What's with that? Why does that happen? Everytime. Weird.


Melanie said...


Coco said...

I pretty much start out shoveling and occasionally will try to calm myself down to a normal munch...but it doesn't usually work. I admit it too...I'm a popcorn crammer!