Friday, April 21, 2006

It's here...Finally!

I'm really glad it's Friday. We worked last Saturday & lots of hours this week. I've got 11.5 hours OT for this week. Paycheck will be nice.

Lots planned for this weekend. Kaisara & I are helping Daryl move tomorrow. Church on Sunday then an afternoon baby shower for Kaisara's baby sister, Ursula. Before then I've got to finish my gift. I better make this a short post :-)

Amongst the weekend plans & by Monday morning I've got to come up with a swanky outfit for out program picture at work. We're gonna be in the bar area of Rouge, a French restaurant in Fashion Island. We're supposed to be Frenchy, stylish, glitsy, glamoury. Yeah, that's me to the tee right? If I had the time I could make something so cool everyone would be jealous. If I had the body & the money I could go buy something. I'm not really sure what I'm gonna do. It's a bummer that everyone there is dreading the photo shoot. Come on people! We're dressing up (if I find something that is) & having our picture taken in cool location. That could be totally fun if you were into it! Jeesh! Depending on what I come up with to wear, I wanna find a REALLY long cigarette holder like the one Audrey Hepburn carries in the party scene of Breakfast at Tiffanys. Such a great movie! If only I had her neck & arms.

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