Wednesday, April 26, 2006

A Self Realization

I noticed today that I'm very much intimidated by beautiful people that I don't know. That's so stupid! Where did that come from?


Moe said...

Oh Cate you don't need to feel intimidatd by little ol' me! ;o)

Melanie said...

I only am if they are not known for being beautiful... like famous people. People that aren't famous and are beautiful intimidate me too.

Cat said...

But Cate YOU are beautiful!

Flame Lilly said...

Yes, YOU are beautiful!!
However I totally understand that feeling! It is weird! I wonder where we get that from! I get so self-conscious!!
It's so silly! hahaha

Coco said...

hmmm...nice to know women I consider beautiful feel that way. I am intimidated by "beautiful" people too...but I try remember, we're all made from dust!

Kat said...

I don't understand...You are intimidated by yourself??

Cate said...

People, I wrote "by people I don't know". I know I'm a total fox. Please!